Class Pzl

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Автор: Виктор Юхтенко


The destination of the class Pzl is to support the use of pzl-components and to get information regarding the status of the pzl-system. The class Pzl must be included into any project, which deals with pzl-components. Such a project may be both the pzl-container and the project generating the executable application.

The implementation of the class Pzl contained:

  • if to pzl-container (DLL-container) - at the pzlContainer_YY.lib static library
  • if to main executable application - at pzlPort_XX.lib static library

where YY and XX - appropriate license levels.

Any class, which included into the project and which uses the pzl-technology may use the predicates of the class Pzl.

The list of domains used by the class

pzlComponentsRegisterFileName_D The status of the file-registry of the given application
pzlContainerContentInfo_D Information regarding the components of the pzl-container
pzlComponentInfo_D The desriptor of the pzl-component
entityUID_D The identifier of the entity

The list of predicates of the class Pzl

The list of predicates of the class Pzl is divided on sublists (the standard VIP-predicate classInfo is not considered):

  • Container Information
This group is not for use in the ordinary programming. It serves to get the information regardng the container, such as the level of the license, information regarding components etc..
  • Component handling
This group of predicates gives the possibility to create instances of components using their identifiers and nicnames.<br\>This group also contains the predicate to assign the standard output flow. If you use the standard style of VIP programming, then you use this set of predicates rare.
  • Object registration
This group of predicates is frequently used one. It serves to register active objects and to get information regarding currently active objects. The object registry is accessible from the any part of the application based on the pzl-technology.
  • Special predicates
The special predicates used by special tools. Not for use by end users.
Get information about the version and the date of the latest modification of the class Pzl
Container Information
getContainerName:()->string ThisContainerName procedure ().
Get the name of the file-container, where the given component is placed
getContainerVersion:()->string ThisContainerVersion procedure ().
Get the identifier of the version of the container, where the given component is placed
getLicenseLevel:()->string PZLUserLicenseLevel procedure ().
Get the name of the license level of the container, where the given component is placed
getComponentRegisterFileName:()->pzlDomains::pzlComponentsRegisterFileName_D ComponentRegisterFileName procedure ().
Get the name of the component registry file, assigned to the current application
getContainerContentList:(string PZLContainerFileName)->pzlDomains::pzlContainerContentInfo_D ContentInfo procedure (i).
Get the list of components, contained in the container with the given name
Component handling
setStdOutputStream:(outputStream OutputStream).
Assign the specified OutputStream as the standard output stream for all components used by the given application
newByName:(string Name,object InObject)->object OutObject procedure (i,i).
Create new object using the name of the component
newByID:(pzlDomains::entityUID_D,object InObject)->object OutObject.
Create new object using the component identifier
Object registration
register:(string ObjectName,object Object) procedure (i,i).
Register the Object using the given ObjectName (single registration)
registerMulti:(string ObjectName,object Object) procedure (i,i).
Register the Object using the given ObjectName ObjectName (possible multiple registration)
getObjectByName_nd:(string ObjectName)->object Object nondeterm (i).
Get the Object, registered previously using the given name ObjectName
getNameByObject_nd:(object Object)->string ObjectNameLow nondeterm (i).
Get the ObjectNames for given Object
getNameAndObject_nd:(string ObjectName,object Object) nondeterm (o,o).
Gen Object and it's assosiated name ObjectName
unRegister:(string ObjectName,object Object) procedure (i,i).
Deregister the given Object with the given ObjectName
unRegisterByName:(string ObjectName) procedure (i).
Deregister all abjects with the given name ObjectName
unRegisterByObject:(object Object) procedure (i).
Deregister given object Object
unRegisterAll:() procedure ().
Deregister all objects (clear the object registry)
Special predicates. Not documented
getContainerActivity_nd:(string FileName,unsigned RefCounter) nondeterm (o,o).
getContainerToBeUnloaded_nd:(string FileName) nondeterm (o).
subscribe:(notificationAgency::notificationListener NotificationListener).
unSubscribe:(notificationAgency::notificationListener NotificationListener).

Other resources used

  • The class Pzl uses the pzlPort_XX.lib library, if the target is executable application (.EXE). Class Pzl uses pzlContainer_XX library, if the target is Dll-contaner (DLL). Actually these libraries contain the class Pzl implementation.
  • It is necessary to have the package pzlConfig.

Domain details


The status of the component registry file

  pzlRegistryFileName(string FileName);

The domain pzlComponentsRegisterFileName_D defines one of the statuses of the component registry file for the given applicaion.

pzlRegistryFileName(string FileName)
The file FileName assigned as the component registry file.
The component registry file wrongly defined. Possibly the file not existed, when assignment was done.
There was no component registry file assignment.


The domain entityUID_D helps to identify different entities. It may have two variants:

  • simple form str(string)
  • complex form uid(...), which corresponds to the nativeGuid of the Visual Prolog, which in turn corresponds to the GUID of the Microsoft company.

The simple form doesn’t provide the uniqueness of the identifiers. It is recommended to use in examples and in the exercises.

The complex form provides the uniqueness of the identifiers. It is not convenient to remember and to manipulate.

  entityUID_D =
    str(string StringIdentifier);
       core::unsigned32 Unsigned,
       core::unsigned16 Short1,
       core::unsigned16 Short2,
       core::unsigned8 Byte1,
       core::unsigned8 Byte2,
       core::unsigned8 Byte3,
       core::unsigned8 Byte4,
       core::unsigned8 Byte5,
       core::unsigned8 Byte6,
       core::unsigned8 Byte7,
       core::unsigned8 Byte8

pzlDomains::pzlContainerContentInfo_D, pzlDomains::pzlComponentInfo_D

The Domain pzlContainerContentInfo_D used to describe the content of the pzl-containers. It is represented as the list of descriptions of components.

pzlContainerContentInfo_D = pzlComponentInfo_D*.

Each element of the list is the term of the domain pzlComponentInfo_D

  string Alias,
  entityUID_D ComponentID,
  booleanInt Runable,
  core::namedValue_List UserDefinedInfo


  • Alias – the string name of the component,
  • ComponentID – component identifier
  • Runable – Boolean flag, which shows whether the component can be called and can run independently.
  • UserDefinedInfo – the list of parameters interpreted by the developer of the component.

Predicate details


getContainerName:()->string ThisContainerName procedure ().

Get the name of the file-container, where the given component is placed


Returnes the name (full path) of the file where the given pzl-component is placed.




stdIO::writef("Component /"MyComponent/" placed at container %",ContainerName),


getContainerVersion:()->string ThisContainerVersion procedure ()

Get the identifier of the container version, where the given component is placed


Returnes the version of the pzl-container, where the given component placed. The version of the container declared as the value of the string type (string). It is defined by the constant "pzlContainerVersion_C" in the file PzlConfig.i of the container project.




If the file PzlConfig.i of the given container contains the constant declaration


then the following code gets the version No of the given container

stdIO::writef("Container Version - %",ContainerVersion),

It will be sent to the output stream: "Container version - 1.0;001"


getLicenseLevel:()->string PZLUserLicenseLevel procedure ()

Get license level of the container, where the given component is placed


Returnes the license level of the container, where the given pzl-component is placed. The license level of the container is the one assigned to the container by the publisher of the container. It is defined by the appropriate library. Thus the library defines the license level of the pzl-container. The license level may have on of the following string values:

  • ”Public”
  • ”Commercial”
  • ”Exclusive”
  • ”SuperExclusive”
  • ”Unknown”

If the pzl-component placed in the container of the main application, then the license level of the main application will be returned.




The code below gets the license level of the current container (and the license level of the current component)

stdIO::writef("The license level of the current container is - %",LicenseLevel),


getComponentRegisterFileName:()->pzlDomains::pzlComponentsRegisterFileName_D ComponentRegisterFileName procedure ().

Get the status of the component registry file of the given application


Returns one of the following terms, indicating the status of the component registry file of the current application:

  • pzlRegistryFileName(FileName) - FileName defines the full name of the assigned file.
  • pzlRegistryFileNameWronglyDefined – the registry file is wrongly defined
  • pzlRegistryFileNameNotInUse – the registry file is not in use




   stdio::writef("The registry file - %\n",FileName)
   stdio::write("The registry file is not in use \n")
   stdio::write("The registry file not found while assignment\n")


getContainerContentList:(string PZLContainerFileName)
  ->pzlDomains::pzlContainerContentInfo_D ContentInfo procedure (i).

Get the list of components, contained in the container with the given name


The predicate returns the list of descriptions of components, which are placed in the container with the given name. It is not necessary that the components of the container to be registered in the pzl-system.

To get the list of components of the main application it must be used:

  • "pzlPort" or
  • The name (full or relative) of the executable file of the main application

Each element of the returned list is the term of the domain pzlComponentInfo_D

  string Alias,
  entityUID_D ComponentID,
  booleanInt Runable,
  core::namedValue_List UserDefinedInfo


  • Alias – string name of the component
  • ComponentID – the identifier of the component
  • Runable – Boolean flag, which indicates the possibility to be invoked independently
  • UserDefinedInfo – the list of parameters, defined by the developer of the component.


The following exceptions are generated if

  • the file-container not found
  • the dll container can not be loaded
  • the version of the dll-container doesn’t correspond to the version of the main application
  • the license level of the main application is lower then the license level of the container
  • the Dll-container doesn’t correspond to the pzl-agreements


In the example below by the event ‘’’onShowComponentsDescription’’’ (pushbutton on the pane) the information regarding the container "..\\VPPuzzle\\Examples\\PZL\\HelloWorld.pzl" components is requested. This info is sent to the standard output stream

  onShowComponentsDescription : button::clickResponder.
  onShowComponentsDescription(_Source) = button::defaultAction:-
    foreach Element=list::getMember_nd(DataList) do
    end foreach.

For this concrete container we will get


And for the container FactDemo_UI the same code

  onShowComponentsDescription(_Source) = button::defaultAction:-
    foreach Element=list::getMember_nd(DataList) do
    end foreach.

returns (the formatting done manually):



newByID:(pzlDomains::entityUID_D ComponentID,object InObject)->object OutObject.

Create new object, using the unique component identifier


Creates the new object of the pzl-component, which is registered with the identifier ComponentID.

Pzl-component with the identifier ComponentID must be registered in one of registration places – or in the Windows registry, or in the component registration file, created by the User (*.pzr).

The reference to the object InObject may be the reference to any object. if it supposed to make a call to that object InObject, then the component, which is used to create the object, must know the domain-interface of the object InObject.

The returned object Object is the reference to the created object. To use the predicate of the created object the object OutObject must be converted to the appropriate domain-interface.


If pzl-system can not create the instance of the component, then the exception will be generated by possible reasons:

  1. pzl-system has no access to the component registry.
  2. pzl-component with the given name not found in the component registry.
  3. pzl-container, which contains the given component can not be loaded
  4. pzl-container and the main application are incompatible
  5. main application has the license level lower, then the license level of the pzl-container
  6. the pzl-container doesn’t contain the component with the given ID
  7. the constructor of the given component can not create the instance of the component

If the exception occurred by the reasons 3,4 и 5, then the pzl-system tries to unload the container. If this is impossible, then the new exception generated.

In the exception stack the last description contains the text:

”newByID failured for the Component with the ID <ID>"


The component registed with the ID str(“MyComponent”) supports the interface iMyComponent, where the predicate myPredicate(...) is defined.


In case if the unique UID is used, then the call will look like



newByName:(string Name,object InObject)->object OutObject procedure (i,i)

Create new object, using the string name of the component </vip>


Creates the new object of the pzl-component, registered with the name Name.

The pzl-component named Name must be registered in one of available places of the registration – in the Windows registry or in the user’s component registry file (*.pzr).

The object InObject may be any object, which has the sense in the called object. If it is supposed that the component will have any call to the InObject , then the component must know the domain-interface of the object InObject.

The returned object OutObject is the result of the operation. To make a call of any predicate of the object OutObject it must be done the conversion of the object to the domain defined by the appropriate interface of that class.


There may be exceptions generated:

  1. pzl-system has no access to the component registry.
  2. pzl-component with the given name not found in the component registry.
  3. pzl-container, which contains the given component, can not be loaded
  4. pzl-container and the main application are incompatible
  5. main application has the license level lower, then the license level of the pzl-container
  6. the pzl-container doesn’t contain the component with the given Name
  7. the constructor of the given component can not create the instance of the component

If the exception occurred by the reasons 3,4 и 5, then the pzl-system tries to unload the container. If this is impossible, then the new exception generated.

In the exception stack the last description contains the text:

”newByName failured for the Component with the name <Name>"


The component MyComponent supports the interface iMyComponent. Predicate myPredicate(...) is the part of the interface iMyComponent.



setStdOutputStream:(outputStream OutputStream).

Assign the given output Stream as the standard output stream for all components used by this application


Any component may assign the existing output stream as the standard output stream. If this happens, then all components, participating in the given application begin to use this output stream as the standard one.

In that case if one component assigned the output stream ‘’’A’’’ as the standard one, and some other component after that assigned the output stream ‘’’B’’’ as the standard one, then when the first component becomes active again it will use the output stream ‘’’B’’’ as the standard one.

If the first component anyway needs the output stream ‘’’A’’’ then it must reassign the output string according to it’s needs.




The next peace of code creates the new output stream and assigns it as the standard output stream

MessageStream=outputStream_message ::new(),


register:(string ObjectName,object Object) procedure (i,i).

Register the object using the given name ObjectName (single registration)


Gives the possibility to register object in the global for the current application run object registry. Any object of the Visual Prolog may be registered in the global registry, using the string name.

Predicate register(), gets the object Object and the string name ObjectName, choosen by programmer and put this object to the registry with this name.

The only one object with that name can be placed to the registry.

If there is the object with the same (case insensitive) name in the registry, then the exception is generated. The same object may be placed to the object registry using different names.


If object registry already contains the object with the same name.


The following example shows the initialization of the pzl-system and the creation and the registration of the TaskWindow. The TaskWindow can be created and registered only once. As the string name it is used the value, which all components (and other classes of the application) must know.

  TaskWindow = taskWindow::new(),

It is known from the context of the program, that here in that place of the code the TaskWindow is created first time, so we do not use the exception handling here.

In the example below the exception handling is used, because of there is the possibility to try to create the form more that once.

It is supposed, that the variable TaskWindow previously have gotten the value and can be used as the parent window

TicketForm = ticketForm::new(),
trap(pzl::register("Ticket Form",TicketForm ),Error,ExceptionHandler(Error,"Ticket form ")),
TicketForm :show(TaskWindow).
