Elementary PzlStudio: различия между версиями

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Elementary PzlStudio (Среда с набором элементарных функций pzl-технологии) предназначена для выполнения различного рода элементарных операций над pzl-Контейнерами и pzl-Компонентами.
Elementary PzlStudio is the the Development Environment supporting the elementary operations related to the pzl-technology. The Elementary PzlStudio gives the possibility to include the pzl-system to the applicaions,  created by the Visual Prolog programming system and to gerister pzl-components.
Эти средства позволяют включить pzl-Систему в действующее приложение и регистрировать pzl-компоненты.

Elementary PzlStudio не является автономным средством и его работа координируется с IDE системы Visual Prolog.
Elementary PzlStudio is not fully autonomous tool. The functionality of the Elementary PzlStudio is coordinated with the IDE of the Visual Prolog system.
So the generating and the updating of the source code files and projects is done by the Elementary PzlStudio and the compilation of projects and debugging must be done by the IDE of the Visual Prolog Programming system.  

#Elementary PzlStudio оперирует только компонентами в виде комбинированных пакетов, представляющих как Оригинальные компоненты, так и Представители (Proxy) pzl-компонент одновременно.
#Elementary PzlStudio manipulates by components considering them as the combined packages, representing as original components and their proxies same time.
#Elementary PzlStudio модифицирует проектные файлы в следующих случаях:<br/>
#Elementary PzlStudio modifies the projects files in the following cases:<br/>
##при добавлении Pzl-Системы  в действующее приложение
##while adding the Pzl-system to the existing applicaion
##при создании контейнера
##while creation the pzl-container
##при добавлении/удалении компоненты в контейнер
##while adding and removing the component to the pzl-container
#Перед выполнением операций, перечислынных выше, и после их выполнения рекомендуется провести построение соответствующего проекта средствами IDE.
#Before the execution of the operations listed above and after they complete it is recommended to build the project using the IDE.
#При компиляции проекта после добавлении в него любого пакета, класс(ы) которого, предусматривает обращающение к любой Pzl-компоненте, '''необходимо отказаться''' от предложения IDE по включению такой компоненты в данный проект.<br/>'''Включение таких дополнительных Pzl-Компонент следует произвести только с помощью Elementary PzlStudio'''.
#While the building (compiling) the proect after you have added any package (class), which is expected to make a call to any Pzl-component, '''you must refuse''' the proposal of the IDE to include the pzl-component to the given project.<br/>'''The inclusion of these new pzl-components must be done using Elementary PzlStudio only''.
#Добавление и удаление компонент из контейнера-проекта связано с координированным внесением изменений в различные составные части проекта. Не рекомендуется выполнение этих операций вручную непосредственно в IDE. Выполнение этих операций вручную средствами IDE возможно, но необходимо знание деталей их скоординированного выполнения.}}
#Adding and removing the pzl-components to(from) the pzl-containers makes the coordinated changes in several parts of teh Project. It is not recommended to perform these operations using the IDE. It is possible to perform these operation manually, bu it needs to know all details of the coordinated updates.}}

=Elementary PzlStudio Overview=
=Elementary PzlStudio Overview=
Elementary PzlStudio является приложением, написанным на языке системы программирования Visual Prolog и построенным с использованием Pzl-Технологии.
Elementary PzlStudio is the application whritten using the Visual Prolog programming language and PzlStudio based on the Pzl-technology.

Вызов исполнения операций производится с помощью меню и панели инструментов (Toolbar).
The operation calls are made using the menu and the Tollbar.
Перечень операций, которые могут быть выполнены с помощью Elementary PzlStudio, с краткими комментариями приведен ниже.
The list of the operations, which can be preformed using the Elementary PzlStudio and short comments are placed below.

Большинство инструментов представлено в Elementary PzlStudio как формы, где устанавливаются свойства и запускается выполнение операций.
Most of tools of the PzlStudio are represented as forms, where the options and properties may be set and operations may be called to the execution.

Окно сообщений (Message Window) является выходным потоком, куда могут посылаться сообщения от инструментов. Окно сообщений может быть закрыто. Повторное открытие окна сообщений производится из меню View/Messages.
The Message Window is the output stream and all tools may send the messages to the Message Window. The Message Window may be closed. To open the Message Winodw again the menu Item View/Messages must be used.

Как правило, последнее расположение любой формы при ее закрытии сохраняется в реестре Windows.
Usually the latest layout of the form is stored in the Windows registry. All current properties of the PzlStudio tools are stored there also.
Там же сохраняются все текущие свойства инструментов Elementary PzlStudio.

Фрагмент состояния Elementary PzlStudio приведен ниже.
The example of the status of the  Elementary PzlStudio is shown below.


Версия 11:14, 1 февраля 2008

Автор: Виктор Юхтенко

Elementary PzlStudio is the the Development Environment supporting the elementary operations related to the pzl-technology. The Elementary PzlStudio gives the possibility to include the pzl-system to the applicaions, created by the Visual Prolog programming system and to gerister pzl-components.

Elementary PzlStudio is not fully autonomous tool. The functionality of the Elementary PzlStudio is coordinated with the IDE of the Visual Prolog system. So the generating and the updating of the source code files and projects is done by the Elementary PzlStudio and the compilation of projects and debugging must be done by the IDE of the Visual Prolog Programming system.


  1. Elementary PzlStudio manipulates by components considering them as the combined packages, representing as original components and their proxies same time.
  2. Elementary PzlStudio modifies the projects files in the following cases:
    1. while adding the Pzl-system to the existing applicaion
    2. while creation the pzl-container
    3. while adding and removing the component to the pzl-container
  3. Before the execution of the operations listed above and after they complete it is recommended to build the project using the IDE.
  4. While the building (compiling) the proect after you have added any package (class), which is expected to make a call to any Pzl-component, you must refuse' the proposal of the IDE to include the pzl-component to the given project.
    The inclusion of these new pzl-components must be done using Elementary PzlStudio only.
  5. Adding and removing the pzl-components to(from) the pzl-containers makes the coordinated changes in several parts of teh Project. It is not recommended to perform these operations using the IDE. It is possible to perform these operation manually, bu it needs to know all details of the coordinated updates.

Elementary PzlStudio Overview

Elementary PzlStudio is the application whritten using the Visual Prolog programming language and PzlStudio based on the Pzl-technology.

The operation calls are made using the menu and the Tollbar. The list of the operations, which can be preformed using the Elementary PzlStudio and short comments are placed below.

Most of tools of the PzlStudio are represented as forms, where the options and properties may be set and operations may be called to the execution.

The Message Window is the output stream and all tools may send the messages to the Message Window. The Message Window may be closed. To open the Message Winodw again the menu Item View/Messages must be used.

Usually the latest layout of the form is stored in the Windows registry. All current properties of the PzlStudio tools are stored there also.

The example of the status of the Elementary PzlStudio is shown below.

